Our customers love their users


Valu Search and its customer have a shared desire to help people navigate online without manuals and maps.

"Valu Search is also a great help in managing the site content"

Henna Väisänen, Communication Designer, OSAO

Tutustu OSAO tarinaan

"Valu Search site search works well and it is comprehensive and fast."

Hannele Kukka, Communications Manager, Pohjolan Voima

Tutustu Pohjolan Voima tarinaan

"When there is a lot of material, a well-functioning and fast site search is very important"

Katri Vilppola, ICT Expert, Finance Finland

Tutustu Finance Finland tarinaan
Ben Roimola

"The old site search was fast, but this still much faster."

Ben Roimola, Web Specialist, Åbo Akademi

Tutustu Åbo Akademi tarinaan
Tea Salonsaari

"The search results are very clear thanks to the type classification."

Tea Salonsaari, Information Officer, City of Kouvola

Tutustu City of Kouvola: A clearer search function was needed to replace the previous one tarinaan

Let’s work together to change how people think about the usefulness of site searches!